Cultural Wellness Support Group (Online)

Join us for our online wellness class that focuses on cultural practices, crafts and conversations. Those with no computer access may call in via phone line. Visit to sign-up!

Basic Stretch & Strengthening Exercise Class (Online)

Join us in quick basic stretches that will strengthen your flexibility and muscles! Grab a chair, water to stay hydrated, and a stretch band if you have one! To sign-up visit, we hope to see you there!

Diabetes Support Group (Online)

HMONO Hilo Office 1438 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, HI, United States

Join us for Diabetes Support Group online every first and third Tuesdays at 5:00pm. To sign up, visit

Diabetes Self Management Education and Support Class (Online)

Interested in learning more about your diabetes diagnosis and how to manage it? This class will be on Zoom app that can be accessed on a commuter or Smartphone. Those with no computer access may call in via phone line. Use to sign up today for this online class!